Go back in time Complex 18 blockhouse Zoom

Just northeast of Complex 17 is Complex 18, a now-deactivated site that once hosted launches for several different vehicles. This two-pad launch complex was built in 1956 for the Vanguard program. The first launch (a Viking rocket, precursor to the Vanguard) took place on December 8, 1956 from Pad A. Pad B supported its first launch (Thor) on June 4, 1958. Throughout the late 1950's and early 1960's, Complex 18 supported launches of Vanguard, Thor and various types of Scout missions. The Complex was deactivated on February 1, 1967. 

The gantry in the right part of the picture is at Complex 17, pad A.

Go around to the side of the blockhouse
See a Vanguard rocket
Go back to Complex 17
Photo courtesy of Steve Sanders
Mission Flight Control Officer, CCAFS
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